After Life
                               After Life Welcomes you to Forever

          We Are Forever                                      Mothers' Word
            About Us

Spreading the Spiritual Teachings of Mother and Her enlightening words, for preparing for the After Life.

We are a hard drive religion. We exist because it is far cheaper for our members to read on their computer Mothers' Word then attended a church, temple, or mosques on any given day. In the old days it was a newsletter that kept our members in touch. Filing cabinets filled many places. Storage was always a problem and donation of material was also a problem. 

A hundred years ago Mothers' Word would have been printed and sent to our members by post. Even with a copy machine, postage was a problem and space was a problem. Even with the computer age that save hours of time putting out Mothers' Word was still costly to both us and to members. 

Only with the event of the WEB has it been profitable to members both in time and their wealth have we finally come of age. 

Today Mothers' Word can been seen world wide just by typing in our name costing nothing to our members. Membership fees or tithe are by the most part a thing of the past. We lack expense we are finally that well sort after cheap religion. Mothers' Word can be change daily, weekly, monthly in minutes, actually the whole WEB page can be change in a few minutes so that personal messages can be sent to members that live in countries that have religious restrictions. 

Unlike other religious organizations that need to sell snake oil to stay alive we need little beyond the cost of the WEB site. It was decided many years ago that even to have a building to house the office was a waste of money. While we could put all of the operation on a hard drive and/or storage CD disk. By using a removable thumb drive  Mothers' Word can be move from computer to computer from house to house from city to city.

Our world now moves in the cyber space in clouds of data of the electronic world. Similar to our Mother and Her life as an Entity. 

We are a simple religion, we do not bow to our Entity we stand upright or pray to Her instead we ask. We sell nothing and buy even less. To us Her light is real, Her words are truth, Her touch is warm, and Her spirit flows within us. Her words are our map to the After Life.

What we look for in an member is intelligent more then a jr. college education. A person that is well skilled in the art of knowledge with a degree of science in their background maybe multi-language would help. We are a open religion that will accept anyone who has an open mind and believes that we as humans can trace our ancestors back to the plains of Africa 8 million years ago. 

While others go to their heaven WE go to the After Life. We decide our Forever while we still have breath on this side of death.  We seek to live in death forever.




                                     To the Elders:

Subject:   Threat to our Freedom of Religion

Never in our history has our religion beliefs have been under such a threat. Donald Trump Project 2025 will make it or single out any religion that is not a Christian National as being tired into Devil worshiping. That includes all other religions in America. 

To remember what it was like in Europe when one religion rule over others. One Christian faith had no trouble in getting their followers to burn and kill others from other religions. When Donald Trump is elected those that fellow his path will be the ones to do just as he ask, kill all others and make this county into his image.

That war in Israel is not just a war against Hamas as it is a war between two religious faiths. A war going on since Roman times. But unlike in the past Israel now has a nuclear punch card.

In the US it can be expected that their will be a mass kill off by those that fellow the word of Trump against the rest of us. With God and Trump on their side millions will be murder in the name of Trumps God.

One country that is set up where Islam is the only faith is Iran where from day one when Ruhollah Musavi Khomein took over the country and slaughter any of his foes as well as any other religion sect that was not of his faith.

That said will be how Trump plans to stay in power holding a Bible in one hand and a noose in the other.

As he has said that you vote him in and then that will be the last time you will need to vote.

There is JD Vance who wants to be POTUS as well and with that goal in mind DJT might be replace with a Coup.

Those who think I'm wrong just look at history of Europe when one religion did battle against the other. Luther's did battle during  WW2  have been war against Jews, Eastern Orthodox Christian, Catholic Church, and minor religions.

So with Trump in office and only his Republicans that will  have the right to bear arms the dead will number on our side.

With JD Vance being a member of the group Catholics for Catholics he will be in charge  on how Americans worship. Already he is setting up as which religion will be allow to practice in America. Most that are currently allow will not be allow in 2025.

The Pope in Rome will control Americans Catholic churches and his Bishops all other religions.

Those who object, well since Trump controls the US Supreme Court there is o place to object too.

It is not good times to be Jewish.

September 2024






After Life is a Not-For-Profit (501)(c)(3) religious organization. Donations are tax deductible in the USA. (Federal Tax ID Number 36-4379249)